Tag Archives: COVID-19

LeMent Interview

Bob takes the spotlight this week and Miles interviews Bob about old video games, hay rides and meeting his wife. Beardstown – TriState Ghost Patrol  COVID-19 messages at https://coco.mediashower.com Call us 314-827-6399  

Tidal Interview

Miles takes over the spotlight as Bob interviews Miles about his childhood and teenage years. Twas the Night Before Xmas by Static Radio Beardstown – TriState Ghost Patrol  COVID-19 messages at https://coco.mediashower.com Call us 314-827-6399

French Waffle

Miles hogs all the syrup and causes chaos at his house, while Bob might have forgotten the wrong thing. Scroll down for the Beardstown – TriState Ghost Patrol  and the TriState Ghost Patrol teaser COVID-19…