Polish Nostradamus 2025

Miles and Bob make way for the 2025 edition of the Sooth Sayer Polish Nostradamus to make his New Year’s predictions.

Happy New Year!

Random show from the last 25+ years

  • Kansas City Chiefs vs. Detroit Lions – Detroit wins
  • Bob enters a contest to meet the Australian breakdancer and have a dance-off – he loses
  • Illinois passes a tax credit of $500 per pet for ownership – disaster results
  • Michael auditions for Ma on the stage show of Golden Girls 
  • Pablo has a new show on Plauzzable called “Pablo Tickle My Funny Bone” – Panel Show
  • Smidge gets upstaged by Miles doing air guitar at one of his shows and he’s pissed
  • Wil Wheaton, Kathy Bates, and Simon Pegg will die in 2025
  • Manny the Mailman turns out to be in the witness protection program and not an actual mailman
  • Bob refuses to give gas to Jenna Fisher when she runs out near his house
  • Hawaiin game show called “The Floor is Lava”
  • Trump outlaws planking but encourages parkour
  • Updated version of the Warriors Danny Trejo, Ted McGinley, Anotnio Vargus, Joyce Dewitt
  • Referee dies during robot women’s oil wrestling because of a short-circuit – referee George Takei

Miles – Michael auditions for Ma on the stage show of Golden Girls 

Miles prize – Bob buys dinner at the Twin Anchors in Chicago

Bob – Bob refuses to give gas to Jenna Fisher when she runs out near his house

Bob’s prize – Miles is going to do an all-expense paid trip to the arcade of my choice

Bad AI Transcript of the show this week

There we go. There we go. Live streaming is on. Streaming live. Live, live, live. I touched my button. I touched my button. I touched your thigh and that’s my thigh. Oh, my. The Jukes had written F-U-C-K on his car. Yes. Oh, my. Yes. Hey, everybody. Welcome to Snake Show. This is Bob. Oh, bye. Smile. Oh, bye. Smile. Yeah. I think that’s more oh, oh, oh. Ozambic. Josh Takei reads Jim Morrison poetry. Okay. Let’s hear it. I am the Lizard King. I am the Lizard King. I’d listen to it. I think that’d be funny. Oh, bye. The lizard jig. Oh, bye. Oh, bye. Hey, Brad. George, you’re more of a gecko than a lizard. Oh, yeah. Ouch. Welcome to 2025, everybody. You made it.
we made it, 2025. Yeah, everybody made it i hope yeah miles title line miles made it yeah i made it me me and my big zit on my nose at bottom yes miles was showing me his his large rather large nose. Nah, it was… With a zit on it, yes. Yeah, I didn’t know it had a zit, apparently, but now I’m all weirded out, because now it’s like, you got a pimple! Well, you were holding your phone, like, right up to your nose, and it was, like, staring at me. My cavernous nose, yeah, I know, you’re like… Yeah, you got proboscis. Yeah. Maximus, for sure. Yeah, yeah. Now… If you’ve listened for a little while, you know that at the new year, we bring on, you know, our prestidigitator, Polish Nostradamus. Miles, is Polish Nostradamus here with us tonight? Okay. Apparently, Polish, his vibrator has gotten stuck.
Do you want me to read last year’s? Yeah, go ahead. Let’s see how accurate I was in picking things to come. In no particular order. Roll it. You always do a Super Bowl pick. Baltimore Ravens versus Philadelphia Eagles. Ravens win. I don’t think that happened. No, no. Keep going. Godzilla minus one wins best picture. i don’t think they were even nominated for that uh well they won best uh they won best stomping and they won something yeah it was a good movie, by the way, if you haven’t seen it. I watch it. Yeah. I’ve watched it twice well i mean people listening. So, uh, the lead singer of queen, Matt Damon as sandy from greece sings hopelessly devoted according to miles dream. I don’t think.
my dream. Yeah. My dream is to watch madman all right you caught me yeah appears on 69 sasquatch podcast. Yeah? It didn’t happen. It didn’t happen this last year, but You never know it’s gonna hold out hope. This could be they don’t stop. I mean, other than the predictions for the super Bowl. They don’t stop on the year. So it’s 69 Sasquatch. Yeah. These don’t expire. Yeah. They don’t expire. Exactly. Condom factory burns down. Yeah. Condom shortage shortage happens. Oh yeah. That was a funny one. Yeah. And the whole condom shortage kind of funny. Yeah. Miley Cyrus spoofs, Taylor Swift was song. She got sacked about Travis Kelts. Yeah. I don’t think that’s happened before. But I will tell you that I’ve seen no less than two Hallmark movies about romance and the Kansas City Chiefs. Yeah. Yeah. To me, that is weird. An unknown country sells tickets to watch a corpse blow up. That couldn’t have happened. I think that’s your most…
That’s the closest to actually hitting the nail on the head. The president of the U.S. disappears for 37 minutes and can’t be found. I think that actually, that one may be true. Yeah, that could be true. During those 37 minutes, they switcherooed him and Kamala Harris ran for president. Yeah, the old switcheroo. Old switcheroo. Bob Lament becomes a grandpa because of illegitimate son shows up with a baby and he denies it. That hasn’t happened. Has not. Has not. Could be like 69 Sasquatch for all we know. Yeah, this could happen. Flood takes out the arch and Budweiser gives away free beer. No, not this year. No. While eating pizza with Bob, Miles sees his first UFO out the window. Bob says, I told you so. Hasn’t happened, but we…
This year we didn’t really see each other. No, it was. Yeah. It was just a crazy kooky year. You know, it was, uh, we have like a, a slideshow on the TV and you popped up, uh, on my slideshow today. Really? Yeah. From 2022 when we were in downtown Decatur. Yeah. Yeah. So we’ll get together then, you know, we’ll have a good, we’re going to have a good time then. Yeah. We vowed to get back together again. We just have not gotten there yet. Well, somebody always busy. I know. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Luke from Modern Family, and Chevy Chase all die. None of those people died in 2024. So this one has a deadline. Finally, your good friend Jeff does a dual proposal to the Soap Girls. The outcome is unknown.
and I don’t think he, well, he probably did a dual proposed that one again could be true, yeah we don’t we don’t know the outcome. So that one is totally plausible. I could be so but unfortunately your pick was you did a dual pick either seeing the first UFO while we’re eating pizza or 69 in Sasquatch. So, yeah. don’t get the prize for this year. I wanted that to happen so bad. Yeah. And I picked the condom factory burns down. Yeah. So neither one of us. So you were going to, I was going to pay for you to go to a bears autograph signing. Yeah. And you were going to take me to the beef house in hopes of seeing Larry bird. So we, neither one of us get our prize. Oh, dang it. But you know, it’s a new year.
brand new year brand new list right right you’re right so uh shall we start polish okay so yes so these are things that i’m not saying will happen they could happen possibly i don’t want them to happen but i just put my noggin to happen is that what you’re saying Yeah, so if it sounds cruel or mean or whatever, it’s not meant to be. It’s just, it is what it is, so. Okay. And I always try to do a 13, a baker’s dozen, as they call it in your area. And I like to start off with the Super Bowl picks, and I went with the easy choices this year. I’m going to say it comes down to Kansas City versus Detroit with Detroit winning. Really? Yes.
Detroit wins. You really, you think Detroit wins. You want a hundred percent going out on a limb on that one because the chiefs, you know, are the team to beat. Right. So, yeah, I know. That’s what I’m saying. They have Hallmark movies about them. Well, I, I don’t doubt you, but you know, I’m just saying, I think there’s going to be an upset. Yeah. I mean, the chiefs have won. How many years now? Two years, three, too many. Too, too many. Three years, I can’t even remember. It’s too many. They’ve won a lot. Yes, they have won a lot. I keep hearing about it because I do live in the state with the Chiefs or near all that. Yeah, close enough. Yeah, it doesn’t matter where you live in Missouri or in Missouri. You hear about the Chiefs. Yeah. Okay. All right, well. These are no particular order? These are no order, so hopefully they’ll get better as I go, but there’s no guarantee.
Yeah, I don’t think so. Yeah. So if you haven’t turned off the show by now, you might want to start right. That was an easy one to get through right there. Yeah. Well, I like to do the, you know, I like to do the Superbowl pick up front. I know you love the Superbowl. 12. All right. Number 12. And I should have Googled this lady’s name before doing, I feel stupid. I didn’t do this now, but you enter a contest to, to meet up with the Australian lady that was in the break dancing competition in the Olympics. Oh, I don’t remember her name either. I, and I didn’t Google it, darn it. But, um, you challenge, it’s like a contest and you went, well, you, you have the right to dance against her, but you don’t win. Ultimately the, I don’t, I, I break dance worse than she does is what you’re saying. I, yeah, she beat your ass to the ground. Yeah.
And I see it’d be funny if I were to Google her name, I think. Yeah. You want me to Google it right now? No, don’t. That’s Dolores something. I don’t know. I mean, she’s not a very good break dancer, but I don’t think that I could even move the way she moved. I know. That’s what I’m saying. She whips your ass. If we did have that, that would certainly be the outcome. I mean, I’d watch it. i’d 100 watch it, but i don’t think, uh I’d probably throw a knee out and then yeah in the end of the competition. You’re like immediately out. You’re like, oh! I was worried about that while i was shoveling snow today. Go ahead. Yeah, right. Yeah, your heart’s all Well, no, my knee popping out. Uh, you know, uh, you live, you live close to, uh, the Illinois, you know, side of things there, and, uh
Illinois passes a thing, a law. Well, not a law. I should say it’s a tax thing. It’s a tax credit for if you have dogs and cats. Oh, really? It’s aimed at senior citizens, but it encourages hoarding of animals. Oh, no. So ultimately, it becomes a complete disaster. Yeah, I can see that. Yeah. Basically, everybody becomes a puppy mill in illinois yeah like it’s got good intentions, but it completely backfires after a while and uh no i i i don’t know i don’t know how much the tax credit is it 500 ahead oh oh really wow i’m gonna put that into the thing here. 500 per pet? Yeah. It backfires. People start hoarding animals. It’s all really for senior citizens. Yeah, I got you. Okay. Well, anyway, go ahead. All right. Well, okay. I didn’t say these were good. I just, I thought of weird shit I could think of. Okay. Yeah. It’s weird. All right. So we know it’s number 10. We know this guy named Michael who, uh, apparently is an, a quote unquote actor, uh,
Yeah, he’s an actor, yeah. That appears as a background actor, I guess, in movies. Yeah, he does a lot of background work, yeah. And he also gets an interest in community theater there in Florida, and he auditions for the part as Ma in a stage rendition of The Golden Girls. Does he get it? You know, undetermined. I don’t know. Okay. But he does like his old, hey, hey, you know what? I think he would do well. I know. I was kind of hoping he’d be on tonight. I thought he’d be interested in hearing that. Yeah, okay. I don’t think he’d be interested, but okay. Rose, get the hell out of here, Rose. I don’t know. I just pissed my pants at Disney World. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Yeah, exactly.
All right. God, it’s so dark in here. I’m using my phone as a flashlight to read this. I can’t get up from this lazy boy in order to turn a light on, for Christ’s sake. Okay. We’re on this thing called plausible right now, as you may know. We have a friend named Pablo who does quite a bit of work on there and right yeah pablo good guy. And, uh, his new show coming up is going to be called pablo tickle my funny bone. Okay. And he does jokes and he’s graded on his jokes there’s a there’s a group there’s a panel of people that rate his jokes on how much he has. tickled their fancy. He’s tickled their funny bone. Really? Okay. It’s just him every week? Just him? It’s just him, yeah. There’s like no competition, though, so it’s a little boring in a way, I suppose. It’s a non-competitive competition. The scores mean nothing. Okay, so it’s kind of like whose line is it anyway? There’s only one. Instead of having one person who’s the judge and
four pan and four people playing the game he plays the game and there’s four judges yeah exactly now flip it flip it flip it gotcha okay okay yeah that was number nine totally plausible i know that’s aside some of these aren’t that far out. You know, I’m just saying. Yeah, did you get my joke it’s plausible it’s It’s plausible. I did get it now that once you explained it, yes. Yes, I’m sorry. Yeah, I’m sorry. You are much cleverer and wittier than me. Yes, I get it now. Gotcha. Okay. I’m sorry. I was just trying to read my next one. It’s so freaking dark. I honestly did not pay my electric bill this year. You should be the last Polish Nostradamus because he’s going blind. No, his room is just dark. I’m going to turn on my Christmas tree. I can’t see anything. I got to plug in my Christmas tree so I can read this.
Okay. Number eight. That’s your whole decorating. We either unplug or plug the Christmas tree. That’s how we know it’s Christmas because it never gets taken down. We once had one up. I think it was beyond St. Patrick’s Day. Oh, my. We actually had not taken it down previous to that. Well, the kids really liked it. It livened up the place. No one complained. I don’t know. Okay. excuse me. Okay, so that was nine. Okay, so number eight. We have this friend named smidge smidge curdle bomb who doesn’t really listen to the show, but he likes the show. And he’s always like, you know, hey, Miles, if you get a chance, please come watch me. You know, he plays out yeah and i finally go to see him, but uh i to be an asshole, get up and start doing air guitar
And I actually get more applause than he does, and he has me thrown out. Because my air guitar is actually better than his real guitar. And he becomes very jealous. Yeah, I would think he would be. You think? Yeah. I think the funny thing is that you and your current physical condition, doing air guitar in front of a crowd, I think it would look like masturbation. Because one hand would be going up and down violently, and you have a big belly, so it’s going around your belly, right? Yeah. And your other hand would be over there kind of doing finger movements. So, yeah, I think it would look like you were masturbating while you were checking the water temperature or something. I don’t know. Well, go with what you know. You know what I’m saying? Go with what you know. Okay. All right. Well, they’re not all winners. I think he would be very upset with you on that.
Yeah. He would be, he would. Yes. He throws me out. He’s very upset with it. If you just got up near the stage. Yeah. I mean, who, who, who is a rock star wants to have some fat middle-aged guy up there fondling himself? What, what kind of show is that? Uh, actually I have a picture of him drunk. Uh, And I still want to transfer this to like a t-shirt and just show up. This giant picture of him drunk in the front just to see what he’ll do. While you air guitar? While I quote unquote air guitar, yes. As you say, yes. What’s next? Number seven, you know, you always hate this category, is a celebrity desk. Oh, right. Yeah. Oh God. And they always die in threes. Sure. The trifecta. Uh, okay. Here’s, and I don’t like say, we don’t try to pick like super old people or people that are already in horrible shape. Right. You know, cause that’s too much of a give me, you know, like, oh yeah. You know, like if I said Dick Van Dyke, you know, he’s almost a hundred years old. Yeah. For Christ’s sake. You know, like that would be kind of a give me, you know? Yeah. Okay. So I’m going to,
All right, so I’m thinking three deaths this year, unexpected. Will Wheaton, Kathy Bates, Simon Pegg. Okay, this is interesting. And Simon what? Simon Pegg. Oh, Simon Pegg. Okay. Yeah. I don’t want this to happen, but I’m just saying. Now, considering that Will Wheaton thinks you’re a pervert. We don’t have time really to go into that right now. I don’t think there’s time to. Kathy Bates is the new Matlock. How can she die? Simon Pegg is a UK treasure. I know. Well, I’m not saying I want it to happen. I’m just saying. I think one of these is slightly vendetta-ish. Well, I didn’t put all the people I hate on there. Just one. There’s a few more I could put on there, but I didn’t okay. I don’t know just people that you wouldn’t expect like oh my goodness I hope not either so I’m one of these fantastic celebrities Yes, and I’m a big fan of Wil Wheaton as you know, but yeah, I know I know you know Unfortunately, yes stuff happened. Yes What’s next?
All right. Well, number six is we have this friend named Manny Fortunato. We call him Manny the Mailman. Manny the Mailman. And allegedly, he’s been a mailman for many, many years. But come to find out, he actually has been in the Witness Protection Program. Oh. You would never think that an Italian man would be in the Witness Protection Program in New Jersey. Just kidding. Disguised as a mailman, yes. Disguised as a mailman. We didn’t realize he went over like five blocks and he’s doing mailman bit. We couldn’t find him. We were looking everywhere. He was in the mob. His mob name was Johnny Jerkoff. He ratted people out, I guess. Okay, that’s interesting. I don’t know. I think of these things. I don’t know. Okay. Let’s get back to Bob Lament here. Oh, no. You already got one on me. I know. Well, I’ve got to have more. Okay, go ahead. So, the actress Jenna Fisher is originally from St. Louis and does visit there quite a bit. Yeah, her sister is a teacher there, yeah. Yes, I’ve been told, yes. And
And weirdly enough, her car runs out of a gas near your home. You refuse to help her saying that you’re not really a fan. It would happen. You’re like, I’ve never really watched The Office. I’m not a fan. I’ve not watched Blades of Glory. I’m not, you know. You know, the funny thing is… that will totally happen. If she ran out of gas near my house, I would never, I would not give her gas. I see. I believe that. See that part. I believe. Yeah. Even though she was famous or whatever, I’d say, well, the gas station’s right down, you know, that way. Like, I’m sure you would have triple a or something or. Yeah. Well, maybe, you know, she’s got no gas. You would have some rationale. I’ll be like, well, I could, but.
Like maybe if you were Creed or something, maybe I would, but I’m not sure. Yeah. Yeah. I totally, that’s totally possible. I don’t know. I’m just saying she may run out of gas near my house. Yes. Well, I’m just saying she just seemed to be in St. Louis quite a bit. I’m just saying. Well, you know, she’s, well, she’s a famous podcaster now, so. I know. I know. Hell, I’d be in her show. Hell yeah. Yeah. What are you talking about? As a complete nobody, I’d be like, yeah. I’m just nobody. I’m just here. You actually look like you could have been Kevin’s stunt double. He’s standing. Well, you know when he dumps that big thing of chili? I think you took the fall, didn’t you?
Yeah. You know, actually I love that scene because, um, my dad kind of pulled that once going to the company picnic. My mom had some, made some kind of salad and on the way there, he like stopped and the salad fell forward onto the, onto the car mat. Yeah. Can you scoop it back up and take it anyway? That’s your dad. These people are eating gravel and, you know, what does red furry stuff? Cause he had like this pet Cadillac, you know, at the time. Oh my God. That’s a true story. Yeah, that is true. So true. that’s too funny oh yeah yeah all right let’s keep going. Anyway, we reminisce all right I’m on number four. We’re cutting down here. Okay. So, here’s a new game show that you’re gonna start watching. It’s a Hawaiian game show. Hawaiian game show called the floor is lava oh that could be any place, but okay
Well, come on. They got, you know, real lava there. I’m just saying. They got really, they have volcanoes. Yeah. Yeah. So that’s like the whole twist. Like it really is lava. You’re like, oh shit. You know what I mean? They got to jump around the rocks and stuff. Oh, okay. Cool. Okay. Well, okay. Not funny. Who’s the host? Who’s the host? Uh, Guy Smiley. Oh, I thought you were going to say, uh. Don Ho? No. Don Ho’s brother ass, I think. Okay. No, I thought you were going to say, you know, Aquaman. I’m blanking on his name. What’s his name? The guy who plays Aquaman. Oh, Jason. Jason Momoa. Thank you. Yes. Yeah. Oh, I’ll get up my nuts. Ouch. Oh, God damn it. There he is practicing his Kevin moves. Yeah. All right. You know what, Pam? You know what? Pam is so hot. I’d bang her.
Yeah. I gotta work on that. I’d give her gas if her car ran out in front of my house. Hey, number three. The floor is lava. Okay. There’s actually a show called The Floor is Lava, to be honest with you. Oh, see? Okay, then you owe me steak dinner or something. No, you said a Hawaiian game show. I don’t think it’s… Well, I just thought it’d be funny. That’s too much work to go into that. Okay, too much work. Number three. Okay, let’s finish this. The president-elect, interesting enough, he outlaws planking but encourages parkour. Okay. Okay. Uh, is there a tax credit for doing parkour? There’s not much explanation as to why he just, uh, he enjoys one over the other. He says, okay. I don’t know. Parkour. Do you have any idea? Huh? How do you spell parkour? Oh, I don’t know. I, I was struggling with that. I went, fuck, how do you, yeah. It’s like park hour. That’s what I spelled. Yeah. That’s what I spelled. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I don’t know. Outlaws planking, but encourages parkour. Yeah. You know, that’s a weird. I don’t think I’ve ever done parkour on purpose. Actually, there’s a video of you doing parkour online, actually. Oh, is there? Yeah. It looks more like you’re doing the twist, but that’s about as parkour as you get. Yeah. Okay. All right. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I forgot. Yeah. There is. I forgot about that. It was my son’s wedding. Yeah. Exactly. How’s doing my sexy dance moves? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They didn’t get my robot on video. I couldn’t tell if you were masturbating doing or the twist. Well, might be both. Could be. It could be anything. Oh, there you go. All right. We got two more to go. Two more to go. Let’s finish this up. Damn it. Okay. Uh,
Updated version of Warriors coming out. Okay. And it’s going to feature Danny Trejo. Oh, of course. Antonio Vargas. Is he still alive? Oh, fuck. I didn’t think about that. I don’t know. Yeah. Or the ghost of Antonio. Yes. Yeah. Had McGinley and Joyce DeWitt. Yes, so they’re all going to be in it. What’s this called? Is it called like… The… Nursing Home Warriors? The Uptown Warriors. I don’t know. Well, I didn’t think that far ahead of it. Pass the pee bottle, Trey. The Walking Warriors. I don’t know. McGinley, I should kick you in the ass. Hey, guys, we got to get out of here right now. I just saw this horrible video of Ted McGinley recently. Oh, really? Yikes. Yikers. What happened to him? He got old, man. Holy cow. Well, he’s pretty old. Yeah, I mean, this guy looks dang. You sure it was him? Because they do a lot of fake things. No, it was him. Yeah, it was a yikes. Yikers.
Uh, okay. Hey, number one, let’s get this going. So, you know, our friends in japan are always working on robots and such like that. Okay. And, uh, they’re getting very close to really perfecting a lot of stuff in that. And so they are, they’ve actually been making robot women, believe it or not and uh as a as a as a goof they come up with oil rustling for these two women robots and, but there’s a short circuit and the referee dies from an electric oh my gosh. It stops his heart and it’s a major lawsuit. During a robot oil arrest robot yes yes all women robot wrestling goes awry, if you will. Because of short circuit. Yes. Kills referee. Kills the referee. That’s terrible. Who was the referee?
Well, it’s not Pat Morita. I know that. Jackie Chan was reffing. Short round. He’s not even Japanese. I know. Racist bastard. You pick your own person. George Takei is refereeing robot women’s oil wrestling, and he dies because of a short circuit. I will go with that. Yes, let’s go 100%. Yes, we started a show with George. Oh, my. Oh, my gosh. Let me do a real quick wrap up of what we’ve got here. Okay. Kansas City Chiefs versus Detroit Lions. Detroit wins. Yes. It’s a contest to meet the Australian break dancer and have a dance off. He loses. Yes. Illinois passes a tax credit of $500 per pet for ownership. Disastrous results. Michael Gardner auditions for Ma on the stage show of Golden Girls.
Pablo has a new show on Plausible called Pablo Tickle My Funny Bone. It’s a panel show, but he’s the only contestant with a panel of four judges. Smidge gets on stage by Miles doing air guitar at one of his shows and he’s pissed. Will Wheaton, Kathy Bates, and Simon Pegg will die in 2025 for various reasons. Maybe the mailman turns out to be in the witness protection program and not actually a mailman. Yes. Bob refuses to give gas to Jenna Fisher when she runs out near his house. Yes. There’s a Hawaiian game show called The Floor is Lava where they actually do it on a volcano. So The Floor is Lava. Yes. Trump outlaws planking but encourages parkour after his inauguration. There’s an updated version of The Warriors that includes Danny Trejo, Ted McGlinley, Antonio Fargus possibly, and Joyce DeWitt. Yes.
The referee dies during the Robot Women’s Oil Wrestling because of a short circuit. Possibly George Takei. Possibly George Takei. Oh, bye. Oh, bye. That’s where you can put in that video that we have of him saying that. Yeah, we do have a video. Oh, bye. Oh, my. Okay. So what’s your pick? And what are you putting up as your prize if you get it? Oh, man, let me see. I just read them all to you. Come on. Yeah, I know. I mean, hold on. I know you’re sitting in a dark room right now. I’m trying to read this for Christ’s sakes. I want this thing about Michael to be true so bad. Okay, okay. So you’re going to, Miles’ pick is the Michael audition for Ma and the Golden Girls. Okay.
And like a local theater. Yeah. Okay. And if you get that correct, what should my prize be to you? If that happens, you owe me a full dinner at one of my favorite places to eat, Twin Anchors in Chicago. The Twin Anchors? Really? Yeah. Buys dinner at the Twin Anchors. Mm-hmm. That’s Sinatra’s favorite rib joint in Chicago. In Chicago. Do they have good ribs? Oh, good. Yeah. Okay, so I guess my pick, I mean, this group this year, you know, I mean, Pablo Tickle My Funny Bone could happen. Yeah, it’s rigged. I don’t think that you’re going to go to any of the Smidges shows, so I think that’s a safe bet. Yeah. the break dancer. Oh my gosh, so many choices, so many choices, so many choices, so many choices. I don’t think the break dancing would work. I don’t think that’s gonna happen yeah and i’m usually wrong about the super bowl picks. Yeah, I know. Yeah, Kansas City will win again. You know it yeah i know i don’t know you probably if you bet kansas City, you still have to pay.
Yeah. The wind is still getting to pay. Yeah. I’m going to go for Bob refuses to give gas to Jenna Fisher. All right. Deal. Okay. Which is totally what happened. And if that happens, Bob’s prize. Is. Be. Gosh. I got to think of something decent here, don’t I? The roast duck at the Peabody. No. I don’t think they roast the old ducks at the Peabody. You know what happens? They march them up and down until they die and then they roast them. That’s dark, man. That is dark. Holy cow. That is horrible. That’s really dark. Holy cow. The children pick out the duck they want roasted. That ain’t right, man. What the hell? Is it like the… like the red lobster lobster tank yeah daddy i want to eat that duck. Okay, son. You probably want a hot dog of crackles, I bet. Good crackers. Oh, no, hamburger crackles. That would be good, yeah. Hot dog. No, I don’t want a hot dog. That’d be cheaper i think yeah you don’t know crackles. It’s pretty cheap. I don’t know. I’ve never been oh my nuts
I wish one of my choices was your dog will not step on your nuts. Not with this sack. No. Yeah, that’s true. I mean, you’re like got Santa Claus sack going on. Yeah. Yeah. It’s like a baby moose jumping up on your lap here. It’s a big dog. Okay. Interesting. Okay. Here’s my prize. Miles is going to do an all expense paid trip. To the arcade of my choice. Oh, no. Oh, you bastard. You son of a bitch. That way I can get back at you. Wait, I don’t get to go, do I? Oh, no. You got to go pay for me and you. Oh, okay. All right. All right. Yeah. So that way. Yeah. Double. Double. Let me just say it. Ted Knight style. You’re on. You’re on. You’re on. We do not butch. We do not butch at Bushwood. Bushwood. I was reading a thing on Ted Knight recently, and that’s like one of his only movies. He was in… Do you know he was in Psycho? Did you know that? Yes, I just read that. Yeah. He was like a guard or something. He was a guard in Psycho. And then…
He was super friends. Then he’s in Caddyshack. The guy, talk about picking him. He probably didn’t get paid a lot of money, but he picked the good ones, right? He’s funny. He was a funny guy. We will see what happens a year from now. I will be playing a lot of pinball at your expense. Michael, don’t let me down, bud. i’m gonna go for the all drag cast of golden girls i could see that i could see it happening

Polish Nostradamus 2025