A Conversation about the Kentucky Goblins with Rob from Your Most Interesting Story podcast

Rob from YMISpodcast

Rob from YMIS (Your Most Interesting Story) Podcast drops in to figure out what happened in 1955 in Hopkinsville, KY. We talk about the Kentucky Goblins and what all transpired, plus a few side chats. Listen to find out more.

Rob from YMISpodcast

A Kentucky Goblin song by Rob from YMIS podcast

Full Summary

Hey, everybody, and welcome to a conversation about the Kentucky Goblins, of all things. I’ve got Rob from The Most Interesting Story with me here again today. Last time we talked about dogmen or dog people. I don’t know. We never did actually go down the path of gendering dogmen. No, we didn’t figure out the pluralization either. Yeah, I don’t, yeah. I don’t know about that. We should have looked up and seen what the Spanish and French people had to say about it. But anyway, this time we’re talking about the Kentucky Goblins. And as far as I know, they’re totally asexual. But we may find out later. How’s it going, Rob? It’s going fantastic, Bob. Thanks. Thanks for having me on again. So, you know, this is a really interesting case. It has multiple…
multiple names to it, right? So it’s also called the Hopkinsville Encounter. It’s also called the Kelly Green Men case because the family’s last name was Kelly, who had the experience, right? So it goes by many names, and we’re going to talk about them as the Kentucky Goblins because it sounds like a sports team, possibly from your alma mater down there in Kentucky. I don’t know. That would be a good sports team. I know because I had the new people who went to school there, but there’s a place called Murray State in Kentucky. It’s in Murray, Kentucky of all places. Their mascot is the Racers. The horses. Murray Racers is what they were. I always thought that was one of the best sports college
non popular. I don’t know what you’d call it. It’s not like big 10 or any of that kind of stuff. They’re just the regular old school, but Murray racers, I thought was really good. So maybe there’s a community college in Kentucky called the goblins. We’ll have to look that up. Is Duke in Kentucky. I should know. This is, I think Duke’s North Carolina. I knew that. Right. Sorry. All right. I’m glad you do. I thought there was a, there was maybe it’s Kentucky. Yeah. It’s like the larger Kentucky University. Maybe that’s what I’m thinking of. Now, here in St. Louis, there is a private university called St. Louis University, and their mascot is the Billiken, which is a goblin-like creature. Really? Yeah, the Billikens. It’s like a little gremlin, gobliny, kind of weird-looking thing. Couldn’t he play for the Washington Redskins quarterback? Could be.
I’m not sure about that. Oh, is his name Billiken? I think so. Billiken, Billy Kilmore, something like that. Oh, maybe. Well, Billiken’s a big thing here in St. Louis with St. Louis University. But again, they’re not any kind of big university, like other ones. I don’t even know which ones. I don’t even follow college sports. I just follow mascots, apparently. Yeah. You got all the flags up and you just stood at the mascot. That’s right. There was a movie called Mascots. I have not watched it, but now I feel like I should after all this. Well, you’ve got to check out Mascots Memories. It’s one of the episodes on Your Most Interesting Story, which is actually an interview with a former professional sports team. I actually listened to that. I did. I had listened to that. He was the –
Sharky. San Jose Sharks. The Sharks. That’s right. I was going to say something else. I’m glad I didn’t know. But that was interesting because he came from the ceiling. He came down from the ceiling. That was just crazy. Yeah, he’s the one that figured that out and started doing that for Sharky, right? Yeah, for Sharky. And he would eat people or what have you. He would eat their heads. Yeah. That was a good story. I really enjoyed that one. I’m sorry I didn’t remember he was with the Sharks off the top of my head. Well, he was also with the 49ers before they had Sourdough Sam, so kind of the nameless mascot, I guess. Yeah. He was just like a bucket. He was a pail. A panning… He was a gold pan. That was what he was. So…
So what have you got for us, Rob, on the Kentucky Goblins case? Kentucky Goblins. One correction, though. You mentioned that they were called the Kelly Goblins. That’s because the other town that their farm was near was actually called Kelly. So there’s two towns, Hopkinsville and Kelly. I thought their last name was Kelly for some reason. No, there’s two families involved, the Suttons and the Taylors. Those are the primary families that were involved. Oh, there you go. Look at that. Go figure. Okay. So we can call them the Kelly Goblins, the Hopkinsville Goblins, the Kentucky Goblins. You can have a hob in there if you want to. We can call them Billikens if you want to keep on theme. I think that we might get sued if we call them the Billikens. It’s a very wealthy university in St. Louis that is there. Isn’t there a Milliken? I don’t know. There is a Milliken University in Decatur where I’m from.
Is there a mascot that Billikens? Big Blue. I don’t know what that refers to. Maybe we don’t want to know. Have you seen a picture of Big Blue? I don’t remember. I lived there for quite a long time. I grew up there and everything. And actually, my wife was going to that university when we met. But I don’t remember what. I think it’s just like a guy wearing blue as far as I know. Well, he’s got the proper name then. Yeah, I’ll have to look it up. Oh, he seemed big to me. But again, this is a private school. It’s for more wealthy people than me. They didn’t spend a lot of time on the… I did, actually. I spent time on campus there, even though I didn’t go to school there, only because I was apparently looking for women. It worked, right? It worked. I mean, if…
Just a piece of advice to any youngsters out there. Go to one of the best schools in your area and hang out until you find somebody. There you go. That’s wise. I mean, it can’t hurt. Better than peeing at the welfare line or unemployment line, I suppose. I don’t know. Drop a line in the water and see if you get any bites. Yeah. I mean, that’s a whole other story. Maybe we don’t want to go down that one, but… But we did, yeah. And I think they just were called Big Blue. Now you got me thinking I should look it up. Because the Milliken Billikens would be a lot of fun to say over and over again. I don’t think… No, they definitely weren’t the Billikens. Let’s see what it says here. Pelicans? The Pelicans? No. Billiken? No. He’s a trademark name. A private college in…
Which is weird in and of itself. Oh, okay. It’s got this… He looks like a monster. He’s called Big Blue. Now, this was definitely not the mascot whenever I was there. Is he goblin-esque? No, he’s more like Bigfoot-esque. Okay. But he’s on all fours. He looks very, you know, kind of primate, ape-like. But he’s got large teeth and red eyes. Oh, okay. And it’s called Big Blue. There we go. But that incarnation was definitely not around when I was around. I would have remembered that and locked that into my head. Yeah, you probably still have some clothing, some athletic wear. Could be. Now, it looks like an older version of Big Blue was a bird-like creature. But now they’ve got the cooler. Shapeshifter, maybe? Yeah. The Millican Skinwalkers.
No, it looks like they just changed it to make it look cooler than like a big bird. So he looked kind of like a bit of a kind of, you know, diseased blue bird but now he looks like a nice big monster, which is even better. Maybe he was a diseased phoenix and then he rose from the ashes and became what you described Definitely not a Phoenix. I mean, he literally looks like a Muppet reject in this picture. It’s like Jim Henson probably said, who made this? They’re fired and threw the costume in the person right out the door. And they probably got it on sale. It could be. But I do love mascot. But yeah, the new one, the picture of the new one is definitely much, they didn’t show a picture of like a person wearing a suit, but if they got a suit of this,
This would be pretty good. I’m glad to see that some areas of our country are making forward progress. That’s fantastic. Yeah, it’s definitely very cryptid looking, for sure. The bird looked very, like, not very good at all. But this new one, definitely. It’s another step in the right direction. Yeah, and they call them Big Blue. So I was right with at least the name. Big Blue. Yeah. You might have been inspired by Bigfoot. Bigfoot was taken, and so they went with Big Blue instead. Could be. Could be. i’ll have to, this may be a whole nother show. We probably should get back to goblins. We should get back to the kentucky kelly and or hopkinsville goblins and you uh you know i read through some stuff and i swear that kelly was the last name of the family. So I’ve already been corrected. Apparently I’m the dumb guy in this duo for this topic right here. Well, and i’m relying as much.
i mentioned in previous episodes on AI, so there you know the hallucination that ai does, so perhaps they screwed something up and all my sources are just giving me the wrong information, but i i think i’ve heard it in a couple of different places so no no i pulled up uh the wiki, which of course is, you know, solid as a rock, and they do say sutton and taylor are the two names of the families, so yeah. So the whole thing starts because billy ray Taylor, who is apparently a family friend, I think, of the Suttons. Yeah, Billy Ray, yeah. He sees a silvery object shooting through the sky on the Suttons while he’s at the Suttons’ farm. I think that’s how the whole thing starts, the story, more or less. And then he goes back to the farmhouse, right, and the Suttons are there, including Lucky. Lucky’s one of the Suttons. That’s a very good name. It is.
It is a very good name. This is like the pre-traveling Wilburys, I think. Lucky and Billy Ray. Right. There was a new Lucky in the recent incarnation in the late 80s, but yeah. Apparently, Billy Ray is a bit of a, no one believed him, right? Maybe a jokester of sorts, but they soon came to believe him, right? Because pretty soon, their little farmhouse was what appeared to be Attack is probably a strong word. But they were being approached by some interesting looking creatures. What is your information? How are they described in the information that you’ve… Well, they have a drawing here. And they look like… Boy, they don’t look like anything that you would… They look kind of like gremlins. If you were to think about a gremlin, gremlins have bigger ears, right? And a big head. But you can’t really tell. The stature, they show a comparison. They’re about half the size of an average person. So about two and a half feet. Two and a half to three feet tall. And their arms are really long. They hang down all the way down to their ankles almost in this picture. Some have called their arms emaciated.
Yeah, and they’re real thin, yeah. And their eyeballs, though, are on the sides of their head almost. Glowing gold eyeballs. Yeah. But then, you know, their bodies are, I guess, somewhat proportional to their diminutive stature, other than their really long legs and their weird ass head. The big pointy ears, yeah. Yeah, the pointy ears. Totally normal outside of that. Mm-hmm. Exactly. I totally, yeah, exactly. Could be possibly a child with, you know, some kind of large tubes on his arms and wearing a bucket. Right. Paper towel tubes, perhaps. Yeah. You know how you just run around and, yeah. Remember the old days, the Christmas wrapping tubes, they were a little bigger. You could actually fit your arm in them. Yeah. The old ones you could, and then you could be like a robot. Well, we used to beat each other.
The fun part was to get to the tube and then your mom would give it to you or whatever. And then you would stick it on your hand like a weapon and then you would run around and hit everybody. Yep. Or you stick behind them and kind of go through the tube. Yeah. Yeah. That’s good too. Oh, those were the days in the tubes were large. Well, I, I’ll tell you, I had an, I can’t remember when it was, uh, I’m not very good at wrapping things, but I will give it a try. And I think my wife was wrapping, though, actually, presents for our kids. And she got to the end, and I was so hoping to get the tube. You know what? No tube. Is it just that sort of rounded off piece of brown paper, kind of the stiff paper, no tube at all? Yeah, no tube at all. I was like, this is tubeless. Why in the world do they even bother?
It has no life other than being wrapping paper, which in a sense, it has no life. It’s basically made to be ripped up and thrown away. It does make some animals happy. At least one animal. I knew a family who had a husky dog. And when they were done unwrapping gifts, they would give the wrapping paper to the dog. He would just shred it. He would go nuts. He loved doing it so much. So he ripped it even more. Even more. He just would tear it totally apart. Yeah. So, unfortunately, that wrapping paper also got to travel through the digestive tract of a husky. I’m not sure they let him eat too much of it. They’d have to clean that up afterwards. You know it all. Something went through. Maybe the first time or two, right, before they started watching so closely. So, extra usage there. Mm-hmm.
But there are very long spindly arms, right? In fact, speaking of arms, and this is where I hesitated to say that the farmhouse was under attack is because the first, at least the visual that stuck out to me, what they described from the witnesses who were supposedly there was they, one of the creatures comes walking from the woodland with their arms raised up over their head, right? And some say, well, maybe they were just trying to say, hey, we’re not trying to cause any trouble here. We’re just here to have a conversation. But they pulled out the guns, right? They pulled out the shotguns and rifles, and they were having none of it. They started firing at these creatures. Well, I think that’s a – I mean, they used to call that the Kentucky hello. Kentucky hello. That’s right. They probably walked right past the trespassing sign at the end of the driveway. You come walking out of the woods looking like a gremlin, you’re going to get the Kentucky hello.
Now, we said the date. So, I have the date of August 21st, 1955, which I think is interesting. Because? Well, because it’s so long ago now. This is not something that happened yesterday. And it’s still talked about to this day. Still talked about to this day. But also, it’s the time period, you know… everything now is divided into, you know, pre-internet, pre-social media right so you you can’t look at this case the same as the las vegas case that just happened a less than a year ago or so, where the people said this thing landed in their backyard and these things were running around. Because that’s after the internet and after social media and because everybody’s Even us. The reason we’re talking about the Kentucky Goblins is because we want somebody to listen to it. These people in 55, who are they spoofing? What’s the deal? Lucky was a bit of a jokester, but no, I don’t think they would have invented a story quite like this if they wanted to. I don’t know. That’s actually one of the debunking theories as we get to the end of this and the end of the timeline. Some people say, well, they just did it to try to
get some attention or make some extra money. But I don’t buy that. I think this is another one of the situations. This isn’t unlike the Mothman scenario where there’s no real reason for the folks involved to, as you are implying, you know, go out and communicate wildly about this because all they’ve got is downside for the most part. Right, exactly. That’s the thing. It’s all downside. I mean, I don’t know that in Hopkinsville in 1955, there was easy monetization for little green men, right? Uh, but, uh, I’m pretty sure there wasn’t. Um, uh, so, you know, it makes you wonder, I mean, that, and they had the sheriff come out. They had all kinds of people come out the sheriff did come out. And there’s a couple of folks in law enforcement who actually testified about the believability of the witnesses based on some of the things that they saw when they came into the police station. But it’s interesting when you mentioned their little green creatures
One of the details about this when I did my extensive pre-episode research, Bob, was the fact that they’re silver. They’re described as silvery as opposed to green. So green was kind of assigned to them a little bit afterwards, you know, that telephone game where people talk about a one-to-one. But no, they were actually silvery colored according to the folks who were there at the farmhouse. Okay. Now that’s a detail that I did not pick up other than the fact that I got the name wrong. The detail I didn’t pick up on. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I do the extensive research that I do. That’s good. But I think, so the matriarch of the Sutton family, Glenny, I believe was her name. She described them as a gas can with a small head on top and long arms and skinny legs or something like that. So silvery creatures. So
I think I know the sketch that you’re probably looking at because I saw that around a lot on the Internet. I think we sort of maybe made it a little bit more. I won’t say human or because they’re not really human, but more animal like maybe than they described it. I’m thinking of the gas can that the old style gas cans from that time period were were kind of a cylinder right with the bottom. Yeah, the rounded sort of the rounded top. Yeah. And then the top was, it’s not like the plastic ones we have now. These all at the time were metal, and they usually were cylindrical with something slapped on the top and bottom. Yeah. Yeah. And that’s making me think that, and especially when you hear some of the details about how the shotguns, the bullets apparently did not have effect on them. One of the descriptions was when they shot one of them, it kind of pinballed backwards and spun around, but was not actually harmed.
So part of me thinks if we’re going to go into this and into the idea of thinking back to the silvery object that streaked across the sky that Billy Ray saw, like maybe these are some sort of a space suit that the folks, if they did come out of that supposed potential crashing craft, are wearing. And we don’t even know what they look like when they take their outfits off. Or, and this is a possibility, they are robots. Right. You know, the more as AI advances and we start getting closer to actually having robots that can function and do things, if you were going to explore new worlds, wouldn’t you send a robot as opposed to going on your own? Yeah, and the silvery nature, obviously metallic nature, the long arms make it easy for it to maneuver, right? They could pick a piece of fruit, they could reach down to the ground swiftly. Yeah, and
And if we look at, there’s a, I’m a butcher of the name, but Pasca Lusa, Mississippi abduction case with these two guys in the early seventies who were fishing and got abducted. They thought their visitors were not human. They were robots. There’s a theory out there that the grays, the classic gray aliens are actually robots, some sort of a non-physical entity. Yeah. And then that would also explain the whole can’t shoot them. I mean, they could easily be made of titanium or some other element that we’re not as familiar with and be bulletproof. I said non-physical entity. I meant non-organic, I guess. Non-organic, yeah. Non-organic, right. But yeah, exactly. That does explain a lot. And perhaps why their eyes are glowing, right? They got some sort of battery power because my eyes don’t glow. Yeah.
Well, I would assume not. Never know. Sometimes it would be handy. Maybe in your youth. I had a shiny coat and glowing eyes. But again, you talk about these poor people and basically they had a gunfight with these creatures or robots or whatever. And in 1955, even today, you know… even though we are a gun society in the United States, I would say still, you’re not going to just start using all this ammunition for no reason. I mean, it costs money and it costs money back then. It costs money now. And from what I could glean from my, you know, rather cursory examination of everything is these people didn’t necessarily want to just keep throwing money into the woods. No, they did not.
They were not necessarily a wealthy family, based on my information as well. And then you say gun battle. I’m going to defend the little creatures a little bit. They seemed like maybe they just wanted to come in. Maybe they had to use the bathroom. That’s true. They didn’t shoot back at them, right? Correct. Yeah. It was a one-sided gun battle. Now, they certainly didn’t get the hint, right? They kept coming when they were firing at them. If they’ve explored other planets, potentially. They’ve been shot at many times. Right. Well, this could be part of when they do their training. When you first arrive, more than likely, the residents are going to some sort of ammunition fire. Or they’ll get things thrown at you. I mean, maybe they mostly have encountered monkeys. Oh, yeah? And they just assumed it was poop. Poop or small rocks? Yeah. Yeah. They’ve got an interesting way to fire their poop.
That’s what’s going through the robot heads. The robots are going, this poop is really traveling. They’ve got specialized weaponry to fire poop at us. The velocity of this poop is much greater than the last people. They’re taking all these readings, right? All this stuff’s going back to the mothership. Very interesting perspective of the human race at that point in time, back in 1955. These must be a bunch of metal eaters because this poop is rock hard. It’s got to smell like gunpowder. What do they eat? I mean, you have to… We always… Because we’re so… What do you want to call it? Maybe conceited? Is that the word? We assume, you know, like he raised his hands as if he came and… Like he would even… These things would even know what that means. We assume all these… It’s almost like me…
as a cartoon cat, everybody puts all these things on the cartoon cat like it’s a real person, right? So we’re doing the same thing. And there’s a word for that, which you might know, Rob, but i don’t know off the top of my head here but uh or marcus sizing or something there we go yeah yeah the uh the creatures to think that they have any clue how to do anything in our society, like put up their hands or You know, I don’t know. Well, they jumped on top of the house, but maybe that’s how they enter their houses. We don’t know. They think the chimney is the door. Right. So they’re trying to get in. And the people, in fact, one of them reached down and grabbed someone by the hat or hair. That was one of the details. Someone went out on the porch and there was one up on the roof. Another interesting detail that I heard in my sources is that
they didn’t necessarily see more than one or two of these at any given time but yet there’s it felt like there was a lot of them out there so perhaps these things were just really swiftly moving to give the impression of many maybe it’s just a couple maybe just a couple of robots right well if they were yeah they’re robots maybe they can move a lot faster or teleportation abilities perhaps or you know some other type of technology that allows them to move apparently, except for putting their hands down the chimney or whatever. Maybe their arms are retractable, and maybe they extend. Remember the robot from Lost in Space? Right, yeah. He was probably, yeah. The other problem, he didn’t have any legs, and so they always had to be on a flat surface. That’s true. I don’t know if they sent down a bulldozer ahead of time to keep it so that he could move around, but, you know.
They get there close to the ship because if the ship could land, they just keep the robot near the ship. Danger. But, yeah, these guys seem much more maneuverable with their long arms and short legs. Advanced, right? Big noggins. If we were to build the Lost in Space, I bet you if they did a new movie with Lost in Space that the robot would be a lot more moldy. Oh, they did. It was on Netflix a few years ago. and he was, he was much more maneuverable. Yeah. The one from, the one from the original show was very clunky. Very funky Yeah. Kind of a bumbling. We happened to watch an episode of that, which i don’t recommend because it was not nearly as good as i remember. Just the music. Yeah. And I told my kid before, because they’d never heard it. I’m like, Hey,
check out this theme song. You’re really going to like this. And I’m like, no, it’s not that good either. And so it was generally very disappointing. But that’s how I remembered it back in the day. But Will Robinson’s still doing the circuits because he was fairly young, comparatively speaking. Yeah. Yes. Because he was such a kid. He was definitely. I know he was on the dating game at some point. but I think, did he have a major role in some ongoing show? I’m trying to remember. Not that I’m aware of. He was in bands. I know he played in several bands. Bill Mooney, right? Yeah, Bill Mooney, yeah. He was in several bands over time, and obviously he was always doing the nostalgia circuit for Lost in Space and making cameos for everybody who remembered him. Yeah.
But I personally, from what I recall, I mean, he seems like a really nice person in all these interactions that they portray. So I don’t know if he really is, but I’m assuming it. Well, you can only assume what you have experienced, right? I’m a fan of that. You can have an idea, but let the actual action speak for themselves. Yeah. Now, Don West, who played the other… Adam West. No, Don West. Don West. He was a total jerk. Was he? I’m just joking. I have no idea. I think he died fairly young. Well, see, let that be a lesson for anyone listening out there. Plus, no one remembers who he was, Don West, so that’s why I said that. No, I was confusing him with Adam West. Yeah, another West. Now, that show does not disappoint.
We do watch episodes of Batman again. Oh, yeah. That has good music, too. Yeah, exactly. And there are sort of like cryptid-esque characters, right? The penguin and the people sort of like not typical humanoid penguins, right? Yeah. I guess there’s a bit of a cryptid. Egghead, right? Oh, Egghead. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The King Tut guy? Mm-hmm. So they’re firing at these creatures. And they make a run for it. They’re so freaked out. I think it’s calm. I’m going to assume it’s calm for a while. They run out to their pickup trucks. They’ve got pickup trucks. I made sure I knew what kind of vehicle that they were. Of course they did. Yeah. Well, I guess that’s true. They’re on a farm. And they go scooting off to the police department in Hopkinsville, in the police station in Hopkinsville.
They say, this is what’s going on. And they’re all freaked out. And the police say, whoa, we better get back there and see what the heck’s going on. So about a half hour, 45 minutes later, the police arrive. There’s military police from Fort Campbell nearby. And a photographer arrives at the Sutton Farmhouse to investigate. But the only evidence remaining, despite what the witnesses are saying, are the actual shotgun shells. Mm-hmm. everything else appears to be gone with one exception. Well, I shouldn’t say one, but an exception that stuck out to me is some of the folks that were there the first time they saw some sort of a they call it, like a marker, an indentation or a I wrote this down. I forgot the word that they used, but essentially it looked like something was in the grass that could only be seen. It kind of appeared to shimmer and
at a certain angle from a distance, like there’s a shimmeriness to the substance that was on the ground. But when they got close to it, I guess the shimmeriness sort of went away. And then later on, we’ll hear they actually came back the following day and that was then gone as well. So that was, so was that maybe where, I don’t know, maybe they jumped out of the spaceship and landed there and left with a little robot slime on the ground. I was going to say it took a leak. Oh, he could have. There goes my theory about them having to use the bathroom. But yeah, it could be goblin pee. Yeah. He’s like, I’ll be right with you guys. I’m right behind you. He’s standing there relieving himself and then pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew. Oh my God, what’s going on? But he should be using his hands. I mean, that’s my, I mean, I don’t know where he comes from. He doesn’t have his hands over his head. I don’t know.
Well, maybe he didn’t have any Purell. Oh, that could be it too, right? He wanted to stay. Yeah. He’s got to go back in the space. Oh, I got to go. I got to get these cleaned up before I touch anything else. Yeah. Otherwise my buddy over there is going to complain. So I’m going to show them my answer. Clear this, the situation. You know what? I forgot to let you know about, we’ve got another quiz for you here about the, about the goblins. Oh, sure. Yeah. I’m sorry. I clicked the wrong button there. Go ahead. I’d like to go right ahead. So, uh, So, yeah. So this will start. We start easy and we’ve covered some of these. So this is going to be a test of your memory. Oh, OK. Yeah. We did. We did. I forgot that I had the quiz all cuter for you. But the year. What’s the year? You’ve already said this. 1955. Yeah, exactly. Now, this one you wouldn’t have gotten without me doing a little bit of the info correctedness over here. But between which two Kentucky towns?
was the Sutton farm located? Well, you corrected me. You said Hopkinsville and Kelly. Exactly. But yeah, I would have got that. I knew Hopkinsville, but I wouldn’t have got the other one. This we just talked about. What town did they flee to to seek help from law enforcement? Hopkinsville. Exactly. And what type of firearms did the residents use to attempt to defend themselves from the creatures? Well, you said shotguns. They also apparently use rifles, too. Oh, okay. Not a big gun guy, but I guess… Would be a different shell, that’s for sure. Right. Isn’t a shotgun a rifle? No. Shotguns, well… No, I would say people would say a shotgun is not a rifle. That would be my determination on that. You use shot instead of a bullet. Right, exactly. Although you can use a slug in a shotgun for certain things, but a shotgun…
generally is a larger barrel diameter. Okay. And it usually has shot rather than having one lead bullet. Okay. Yeah. So, yeah. But I think that’s the only difference. But you think of it as a long barrel, then you think of a rifle as opposed to a short barrel. But I know there are pistol-style shotguns. Are there? Now, there are double-barrel shotguns. I’ve heard that. Are there double-barrel rifles? Yes. Yeah, you can have a double-barrel rifle. But those are less common, I think. Now you’re teaching me things. Well, I’m not a big gun guy either. I happen to grow up in an area where it’s prevalent. A lot of shotguns? A lot of everything. A lot of everything. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, everything. I probably had the…
pleasure of shooting them? I don’t know. Over time, not, you know, it’s not been my hobby, but, you know, when somebody’s shooting a gun and you’re there, you’re like, hey, can I shoot that gun? Sure. Yeah, that’s, I mean, I can see the draw of that for sure. I mean, you’re there, you might as well. Yep. Now, we want to talk about micro tears in your brain from shooting guns, then that’s probably, you know, I didn’t know about that until recently, so… So is that from like having it close to your face when it goes off and sort of like the recoil or? Right. So the percussion of depending on what you’re shooting, right? How big, how big of the chart, how much, how many grains of gunpowder and so forth are in the shell and everything. There are the percussion of it. If you do it enough, you can actually jiggle your brain enough to hurt it by shooting the gun. Huh?
And I think that’s been proven at this point. I don’t think that that’s – it was a myth for a while, and I think now it’s been proven. So because you’re – especially with the recoil of a rifle or a shotgun or what have you, or, you know, God forbid, you’re in the military, you’re shooting machine guns and whatnot, then that back-and-forth motion and then also just the – you’re breaking the sound barrier, right? Yeah. Yeah. Right by your head. And all that going through your body. So wait, is that part of the gun sound? Is the breaking of the sound barrier from the gun? It’s from the hammer striking the primer that sets the gunpowder igniting to shooting the bullet out or the shot. There’s a whole complicated thing going on there, Rob. It is a…
It’s a bit of, yeah, that’s, that’s a very, we could, we could talk for another episode about how guns fire probably. Yeah. Cause yeah. So if you’ve ever seen, you know, if you ever look at this, like if you look at those shotgun shells that they had there in Kentucky, they’re round. And then if you notice there’s a little round thing in the middle of it, right. And that’s the primer and the primer is what’s going to, you know, it’s a, when the hammer strikes that it’s going to, to have a chemical reaction that’s going to ignite the gunpowder inside that shell. And then that explodes. And the easiest way out is the barrel. So everything goes out the end of the barrel, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So where is some of that goes back on you, right into your shoulder and to your, and then the sound of it, because it is breaking the sound barrier. So it’s traveling so fast out that then you get that,
crack, and that sound wave goes through you as well. I have very sensitive ears, or I did as a kid. I used to cry at fire engines. Really? Yeah, so we would go to the local town fair where I grew up in West Virginia, and then when the fire truck came by, if they had their siren on, it would set me to crying. Too loud. I’m sorry, Rob. Well, I’ve gotten over it, and my hearing is going bad, so it’s actually nice. I have now… Typical mortal hearing. Well, that’s good. I’m glad that society has brought you down to normal. Yes, I’ve normalized. That the PSYOP of fire engines has brought you down. Okay, we’re in the medium difficulty on your quiz. Are you ready? I’m ready. Now, this is going to require a little bit of recall as well, but what was the last name of the family who lived in the farmhouse?
Taylor. I would say it was Taylor. No, those were the Suttons that lived there. Oh, the Suttons. I knew it was Suttons and Taylor. Yep. Yep. The Suttons were visiting. It was Billy Ray. Shot too many guns. And his wife. I don’t have the name of Billy Ray’s wife, but she was there too, although she didn’t come up in the stories that I heard. Oh, okay. Yeah. You know about this one already. What did Billy Ray initially see in the sky before the creatures appeared? He saw like… some kind of light or arc in the sky around a metallic object streaking across the Sputnik Sputnik was coming down. but which, which, is who saw the creatures? And this is, okay, now we’re heading into new territory and we’re in the medium difficulty section. Who saw the creatures once again after the investigators left that first night?
I don’t know, but I’m going to say Lucky. No, it was someone else you’ve heard about. Glennie. Glennie, the matriarch of the family. Well, see, now that doesn’t jive with them. I mean, unless Glennie’s in on it, then Lucky is not going to get Glennie to say, yeah, I saw him again. Yeah, I don’t think so. And it was at her bedroom window screen with its claw-like hand. That’s what Glennie saw, yeah. Now, so before we actually, I guess, let’s head back to the timeline here a little bit. And then, because we’ll move on to the next question after we get the timeline figured out. But after the investigators, they all come, they only find the shotgun shells, they leave. And the next day we come back and that’s when they only find the, or I’m sorry, the shotgun
the substance was no longer on the ground, that shimmery substance. And they actually, I’m sorry, I just learned some of this data yesterday, and I’m reading through the bullet points. I’m rapidly trying to find my timeline on my computer screen, and now I’ve got it in front of me again. Was it smooth? Could you tell that I was searching for something? No, I didn’t. No, that was… It didn’t sound very smooth to me. So, yeah, right, the investigators leave, then Glennie sees the the creature at her bedroom window. And the police continue with their investigation and they interview witnesses and neighbors, but no further evidence are found. So I guess that’s essentially where things sort of wrap up outside of the media attention in terms of the actual incident. Like there was nothing about them officially departing except for the last time that Glenny saw them later that night. So now we can head back to the quiz because we have not covered any
important points. And this is specific to, and again, I’m looking for a document. Can you tell that I’m searching this time? Okay. So obviously a lot of people don’t believe their story. How dare they? Right. Yeah. But there is a specific type of bird that folks who are attempted to debunk the Actually, one paranormal investigator as well who looked into this claimed that this specific type of bird was responsible for what the witnesses experienced. Do you know what that bird was? They probably said it was an owl, is my guess. It was. What type of owl? I think you’d get credit for this question. A barred owl, something like that? A great horned owl. A great horned owl. Okay, I’m just going for a common owl, so…
Yeah, whereas now if we’re going to try to debunk the debunkers, they say, well, owls are not nearly as tall as they say the creatures were. The creatures, according to the witnesses, were over three feet tall. In addition, the eyes of owls tend to not glow. Unless you shine a light into them, and then they’ll glow. I guess that’s true, yeah, which they were not doing, as far as I know. Nor do owls rattle when shot at, generally. Right. And they don’t have arms. They do not have long emaciated arms. Or look silvery. I mean, unless somebody went out and dressed up a bunch of owls in silver suits, like some kind of, I mean, I don’t know why you would do that. No, they probably have a lot of time on their hands. Especially back in the 1950s without the internet. Have you ever been close to an owl? I don’t think they really want to put on a silver suit. I’ve seen, I’m a fan of owls.
I’ve not been close to one. I have seen close-up pictures and videos of owls, but they do not look like… They’ve got a bit of an attitude to them, based on what I could tell, just from their facial expression. I don’t think they… Yeah, they don’t like to be messed with, as far as I can tell. You don’t go pet no owl, that’s what I say. I tend not to mess with anybody who can turn their head almost in a full circle. Spit up bones? That’s one of my… rules of thumb. So, yeah, I won’t mess with them you know owls make pellets because they don’t digest the bones and they spit them back up in these little pellet looking things do they spit them up or do they pass them through the other end? No, I believe they kind of choke them back out, yeah. Like a hairball? Like a hairball yeah bone ball? A bone ball. A bone ball exactly yeah
Because if it went through your digestion system, I would assume that some of it would dissolve. And so I do believe they kind of cough them back up. Cough up a bone ball. That’s where the expression cough up a bone ball comes from, probably. I’ve never heard that. Oh, that must be a California thing. Never heard that one. Sorry. So onto the last of the medium difficulty questions. How did the families… I suppose this would just be the families of the Suttons because they’re the permanent residents of the foreign house, tried to detour the crowds of curious visitors who showed up after the incident. I’m assuming they shot at them like they shot at the things. They did not give them the Kentucky welcome. Okay. So this is getting back to some of our early theories. They apparently had to install the no trespassing signs. Oh, okay.
But then they also tried, and this kind of backfired on them, because it caused some of the debunking to flare up. They started charging admission, because folks were just sort of tromping through their property, taking pictures, because they heard about the story, and they’re driving up on the driveway, and they probably don’t even have pickup trucks, and they’re driving up on their front driveway. All these city people. All these city people coming out, taking pictures. Back then, they had the flashbulbs that made that big flash and the boosh sound, right? Right, exactly, yeah. that’d be annoying that’d be annoying it really would. All times a day, people coming in to to trump around your your farmhouse looking for signs of silvery goblins. Yeah. I would agree. So this is actually something, this was going to be a hard question, but now it might be easy because we’ve covered this a little bit. But what was interesting about the substance the police found in the grass on the farm when they went out to investigate? Well, you said it was shimmery.
Yeah, it had a sheen to it when viewed from a specific angle. Well, that gasoline has a sheen to it when… Oh, yeah. Well, that might do it, yeah. If you look… Like gas cans. Right. So, like, especially if you go down, like, if you’ve ever been on a lake or gone fishing on a boat or whatever, by the dock, you always see that sheen on the water because they’re spilling, you know, gas and oil and whatnot in the water. And so it really has a weird iridescent… look to it, but not at every angle. So I think that could be an explanation there. Maybe they peed gasoline. Well, if they’ve got bodies shaped like gas cans, I think they could just be anthropomorphized gas cans. Yeah, there was a video game called Cuphead, if you remember that. Gas can head. Body, gas can body. Gas can body, yeah, whatever.
That’s probably a little more. It rolls off the tongue. It does. It does. Okay, so we’re down to the last question. This is the hardest, and we have not covered this yet. So if you get this right, you win the quiz. Okay. All or nothing. All or nothing. Besides owls, what is another theory presented in the sources to explain what the family saw in the sources? Okay, that was my documents. But what other theory was presented by folks who have… sort of looked at the evidence after the fact to say, this is what the family likely saw. Oh, boy. Besides an owl, huh? Mm-hmm. Monkeys? You won the quiz. Apparently, there was some traveling circus that broke down. That’s always the case. Circus.
Back in those days, the circus transportation vehicles were not as reliable as they are today, and so they were always breaking down. Apparently, some escaped monkeys from a traveling circus was one of the theories as to what Glennie, Billy Ray, and Lucky all saw that night. It’s always the monkeys, isn’t it? They always blame the monkeys. They did not mention whether the monkeys were ever dressed in silver suits. Well, Much easier to dress a monkey in a silver suit than an owl, I would say. That’s where that expression comes from. Well, they did it for Lancelot Link, so I’m assuming they could do it for a circus. Yeah, I would… Anybody listening, do not go back and look up episodes of Lancelot Link. We’re talking about Lost in Space being a waste of time. Lancelot Link, secret tip. Yeah. That didn’t even spark my interest as a kid. Oh, I…
you like that one? Oh, yeah. Come on. Who doesn’t love monkeys dancing around? I definitely, I guess i gravitated towards sort of superhero type characters and lancelink wasn’t doing it for me. I remember we had, this wasn’t mine, I’m sure, because lance link is a little before my time, just a bit, but uh we had a lance link comic books. Oh. Yeah. I had this highlight yeah big collection of comic books. that were basically hand-me-downs from a lot of older relatives yeah one of them was there’s a couple of lance lot link in there wow i i remember the song more than i remember anything because that was a great song the uh lance link secret chimp was the name of the show i think yeah and there was uh they had a band on there called the missing link i believe it was the name of the band yeah and they were you know monkeys
dressed up monkeys. Now, that was a good tv show you should go back and watch. The monkeys. Now, the monkeys who are not monkeys that wasn’t good i watched all those as well but highly recommend they have a good song also. A couple of them yeah and believe it or not, this is a little bit, and you may know this. Let me see if you do uh there was a counterculture. Actually, there was more than one counterculture uh person on the monkeys as a guest. Involved with the Monkees. It may not be enough information for you. I need to mark more of a hint. He had a band called the Mothers of Invention. Frank Zappa. Frank Zappa was on the Monkees show. I did not know that. Yeah, go back and watch the later shows just before their cancellation. And there’s an interview where Frank Zappa is playing…
Mike Nesmith, and Mike Nesmith is playing Frank Zappa. I saw Frank Zappa in some… Who sent me that clip? Frank Zappa was actually doing real acting and something. Did he branch into actual acting? Maybe. I didn’t watch Miami Vice. I want to say it was a Miami Vice clip. Yes, he was in Miami Vice. I did see that. There he goes. Frank Zappa is… I don’t know if he, he probably wouldn’t consider himself counterculture, but, um, but yeah, people probably know him as a counterculture type person. Yeah. And, uh, the opening act for the monkeys at one point very early on was Jimi Hendrix. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. I wouldn’t necessarily peg that same musical style for the, if I’d gone there to see the monkeys and I wound up hearing Jimi Hendrix, I’m not quite sure I would have Hendrix. Yeah.
They were buddies. That’s pretty cool. Good trivia. Good knowledge. They have a… Totally off-roading on this topic. They came out with a Monkees album about five years ago. Really good. Definitely checking out. They had a lot of modern-day songwriters that wrote the songs for the Monkees, and they were performed by the remaining members. I think almost everybody… I think Peter’s the one that passed away. Davey passed away first. I think maybe one song was able to have his vocals that they had sort of reconstituted from some other recording, but the rest of the band performed the rest of it. Highly recommended album. I don’t know why I would know this, but it was Davey, Peter, Mike, and now Mickey’s still alive. Mickey’s the remaining monkey. Of all the monkeys to stay alive, who would have thought? Who would have thought it would be Mickey?
Mickey, another side here, is part of the Hollywood Vampires. Did you know that? I did not. He’s a Hollywood Vampire. You go look up Hollywood Vampires. Okay. Originally, it was Harry Nilsson, Alice Cooper, John Lennon, and Mickey Dolenz. All right. They met every week. They were all alcoholics, and they met to get drunk at a club. Okay. And those four people… And then it snowballed. And now Johnny Depp is a Hollywood vampire because there is a group called the Hollywood Vampires who play, which is part of Alice Cooper and Johnny Depp and some other folks who still play rock, rock and roll. Nice. Oh my gosh, we’re spinning everywhere. Thank you. Is there anything else on the Kentucky Goblins here before we finish up? Well, the last is there’s a brief blip. There’s a…
Now, it’s not a Netflix series, but Hellier, right? Hellier, and Bob, I think we’ve talked about this briefly, but there was some individual, he was a doctor, he was located in Kentucky, and apparently he sent some sort of semi-mysterious emails to a paranormal investigator implying that he believed his house was under siege by some sort of goblin-like creature. There’s actually kind of an interesting series, but the net of it is it was similar enough and the location was close enough to the original 1955 Kentucky Goblin story that some speculated that perhaps these silver-skinned, diminutive, skinny-armed creatures crash-landed on Earth and took up residence in some of the local caves in Kentucky and resurfaced, you know, what is this, 20 years ago now-ish? Mm-hmm.
And started trying to prank this one doctor and his family. Yeah, those crazy, you know, alien pranksters. Well, if you’re living underground for, what, that’d be like 40, maybe 50 years. I mean, you’re going to get a little bit stir crazy, I’m guessing. A little bit, maybe. You got to go out and see the light of day and let their… extended ears. Their long pointy ears sort of see the light of day once in a while. Right. There’s a lot of caverns and caves down under Kentucky. Yeah. Was it Bell Witch? It’s in Kentucky. Okay. And then is Mammoth Caverns, Mammoth Caves? I think so. I think that’s part of Kentucky. Yeah, there’s some famous… When I lived in West Virginia, I know we went down there to see the caves once. Yeah. Yeah.
Well, cool. Well, I think we’ve solved this. We have, once again, solved it. We figured it out. The Kentucky Goblins. Kentucky Goblins. All done. Thanks, Rob. And make sure you go check out Rob’s show at YouTube at YMIS Podcast, Your Most Interesting Story. And we’ll be back again. And who knows? Maybe we’ll talk more about the monkeys or… Maybe we’ll talk more about mascots. Who knows? Thanks, Rob. Thank you. Goodbye, everybody. Until next time.